Chicken Meatballs with Parmesan Cheese - Easy and Quick Recipe

The recipe for Chicken Meatballs with Parmesan Cheese is very simple and easy to prepare. It is made with ingredients such as Parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs, egg and garlic. Its main ingredient is chicken, one of the foods richest in protein and is found in many culinary preparations around the world. Next we will present to you the step-by-step preparation of chicken meatballs with Parmesan cheese, in a homemade, easy and fast way.
Type: Main Dish
Preparation Time: 30M
Recipe Ingredients:
- 500 gr of Ground Chicken Meat.
- 1 Eggs.
- 3 Tbsp breadcrumbs.
- 2 Tbsp of Parmesan Cheese.
- 1 tsp of coriander finely chopped.
- 2 garlic cloves crushed.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
Recipe Instructions:
Step 1:
- In a bowl add all the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste.
Step 2:
- With the help of your hands, stir until all the ingredients are integrated.
Step 3:
- Prepare the meatball balls with your hands and place them on a plate.
Step 4:
- In a deep frying pan with hot oil, fry the chicken meatballs until golden brown.
Step 5:
- Once ready, take them out to drain on a plate with absorbent paper.
Step 6:
- Serve and enjoy.
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